Becoming a Certified EBLI Instructor

Justine Forelli EBLI Certified Instructor

Becoming a certified EBLI instructor has made my reading tutoring practice diagnostic and prescriptive. I help students set individualized goals in reading and writing.

5 Reasons Kids Love EBLI Tutoring

EBLI tutor sayings

Discover how EBLI is different and why kids love reading tutoring with an EBLI tutor 1. An EBLI tutor starts with speech The number one reason kids love tutoring with an EBLI tutor (Evidenced-Based Literacy Instruction) is because it is different from what they have already done in the past. Many kids who are struggling in reading […]

What Does a Reading Tutor Do?

What does a reading tutor do?

Find out what a reading tutor does and why your child needs one The other day a friend of mine asked me, “What does a reading tutor do?”. My friend is also a teacher, so this might seem like a strange question. But since she is Italian, this is a perfectly logical question. English, unlike […]

How to Get Your Child to Love Reading

get your child to love reading with read alouds

Discover how to get your child to love reading daily for fun Parents of my students often ask me how they can get their children to love reading. They themselves love reading and they want their child to love reading for pleasure too. They remember reading voraciously as a child and want this for their […]

Dyslexia – Who Can Use this Word?

Dyslexia makes reading hard

Dyslexia is a loaded word Only psychologists are allowed to say that someone has dyslexia. And, according to Sally Shaywitz M.D., because of limited resources and other issues, they only diagnose 4% of the student population with dyslexia even though 1 in 5 children show signs of dyslexia.1 That means 16% of struggling readers are […]